Why Give?

We believe that giving is a form of worship. In releasing a portion back of what God has both blessed and entrusted us with, we can show our thankfulness and commitment to God. The Bible says in Proverbs 21:26 that "…the righteous gives and does not hold back" (ESV), so we strive to be a giving church: giving of our time, talent and treasure to be a blessing and impact lives in the local church and beyond.

General Funds

Offerings, FaithPoint Departments & Australian Apostolic Bible College (AABC).

Account Name: FaithPoint UPC
BSB: 062641
Acc No.: 00903188


If you are a member of FaithPoint church please use the account below for your tithe.

Account Name: FaithPoint UPC Tithe
BSB: 062641
Acc No.: 00904068


Home Missions, Overseas Missions, Building Fund, Orphan Support & Pledges.

Account Name: FaithPoint UPC Missions
BSB: 062641
Acc No.: 00904076

*Please reference all deposits to ensure your donation go to the correct place.